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Comments of Report on Implementation of the Metric System

B-140339 Published: Jun 19, 1979. Publicly Released: Jun 19, 1979.
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GAO commented on its previous report on the implementation of the metric system. GAO held that: (1) GAO's report stated that under present law, conversion to the metric system was to be voluntary; (2) the report did not conclude that those wishing to convert to the metric system should wait until Congress decides whether to have the customary or metric system as the predominant system; (3) the report did suggest that a dual system of measurement--metric and customary--for any length of time would be undesirable and that Congress should decide whether to continue the present policy or whether it should be changed; (4) the report did not suggest that the United States Metric Board's role be passive, rather, the Board should educate the public about the metric system; and (5) GAO's analysis of the costs of converting to the metric system was based on limited data and the cost estimates varied widely, depending on the conversion experiences of the agencies providing the estimates and their position on whether or not to convert to the metric system.

Full Report

Office of Public Affairs


Cost analysisEconomic analysisMetric conversionNational policiesCost estimates