From the U.S. Government Accountability Office, Transcript for: Abusive Tax Schemes Description: Our new report on Abusive Tax Schemes found that IRS is investigating over 40 types of abusive tax schemes. IRS publishes information about these tax schemes annually as a part of its Dirty Dozen list. Many of these schemes peak during filing season as people prepare their returns or hire someone to help with their taxes. However, we recommended that IRS amend the Dirty Dozen list to include ways taxpayer can refer information to IRS on preparers or other promoters involved in abusive tax schemes. Related GAO Works: GAO-23-105843. Abusive Tax Schemes: Additional Steps Could Further IRS Efforts to Detect and Deter Promoters Released: January 2023 Each year in our nation there is a gap between taxes owed and paid. Abusive tax schemes are part of the problem. These schemes can involve complex, multi-layer transactions that attempt to hide taxable income or assets. One of IRS's tools to combat such schemes—and the people that promote them—is its Dirty Dozen list. This annual publication lists the worst of the worst tax scams occurring that year and provides valuable information to the public on how to spot such scams. It does not, however, include instructions for how the public can report other potentially abusive tax schemes and the promoters that market them. We recommend the IRS amend the Dirty Dozen publication to include reporting instructions. [ End ] For more info, check out our report GAO-23-105843 at: