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Federal Communications Commission

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Open Recommendations (26 total)

Spectrum Management: Key Practices Could Help Address Challenges to Improving Receiver Performance

2 Open Recommendations
Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Federal Communications Commission The Chair of FCC should define measurable goals related to implementing the spectrum management principles outlined in FCC's April 2023 policy statement. (Recommendation 1)
When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.
Federal Communications Commission The Chair of FCC should identify internal and external factors that could affect FCC achieving goals related to implementing the spectrum management principles outlined in its April 2023 policy statement. These factors should inform FCC's efforts to develop strategies for achieving its goals. (Recommendation 3)
When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.

Spectrum Management: Key Practices Could Help Address Challenges to Improving Receiver Performance

1 Open Recommendations
Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Federal Communications Commission The Chair of FCC should identify strategies and resources necessary to achieve goals related to implementing the spectrum management principles outlined in FCC's April 2023 policy statement. (Recommendation 2)
When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.

Broadband Speed: FCC Should Improve Its Communication of Advanced Telecommunications Capability Assessments

1 Open Recommendations
Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Federal Communications Commission FCC's chair should provide consistent communication in its reporting of how it determines whether advanced telecommunications capability is being deployed and when updating the related metrics it uses to assess broadband speeds and deployment. For example, FCC could report to the public the scope and steps of its research and analysis, the data and analysis used to support its assertions, and the rationale for why it agrees or disagrees with stakeholder comments it receives. (Recommendation 1)
In September 2024, FCC issued its Notice of Inquiry for its next annual assessment of broadband deployment. If FCC follows a timeline similar to its last report, we expect the corresponding report for this latest inquiry to be issued by March 2025. To assess whether FCC consistently communicates such information as called for by our recommendation, we will review that report to determine whether FCC similarly communicates its analysis and decision making when it issues that report.

Satellite Licensing: FCC Should Reexamine Its Environmental Review Process for Large Constellations of Satellites

3 Open Recommendations
Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Federal Communications Commission The Federal Communications Commission should identify the factors that FCC will consider in determining whether an extraordinary circumstance is present when reviewing licenses for large constellations of satellites and make the results available to the public. (Recommendation 3)
In May 2024, the CEQ published a Final Rule updating the government-wide regulations for implementing NEPA. FCC plans to develop proposed procedures after adoption of the final rule. The Final Rule requires agencies to develop proposed revisions to agency NEPA procedures and initiate CEQ consultation within 12 months of the effective date of CEQ's Final Rules. As of June 2024, the FCC is conducting a review of its NEPA rules, including a review of whether licensing large constellations of satellites normally does not have significant effects on the human environment, and, if such actions remain subject to a categorical exclusion, the factors that the FCC will consider in determining whether an extraordinary circumstance is present. GAO will continue to monitor FCC's efforts to implement this recommendation.
Federal Communications Commission The Federal Communications Commission should review whether licensing large constellations of satellites normally does not have significant effects on the human environment and document FCC's resulting decision. (Recommendation 1)
In May 2024, the CEQ published a Final Rule updating the government-wide regulations for implementing NEPA. FCC plans to develop proposed procedures after adoption of the final rule. The Final Rule requires agencies to develop proposed revisions to agency NEPA procedures and initiate CEQ consultation within 12 months of the effective date of CEQ's Final Rules. As of June 2024, the FCC is conducting a review of its NEPA rules, including a review of whether licensing large constellations of satellites normally does not have significant effects on the human environment. GAO will continue to monitor FCC's efforts to implement this recommendation.
Federal Communications Commission The Federal Communications Commission should establish a timeframe and process for a periodic review of its categorical exclusion under NEPA and publish both on the FCC website. (Recommendation 2)
In May 2024, the CEQ published a Final Rule updating the government-wide regulations for implementing NEPA. FCC plans to develop proposed procedures after adoption of the final rule. The Final Rule requires agencies to develop proposed revisions to agency NEPA procedures and initiate CEQ consultation within 12 months of the effective date of CEQ's Final Rules. As of June 2024, the FCC is conducting a review of its NEPA rules and anticipates that the review will seek comment on a process for the periodic review of FCC's categorical exclusions. GAO will continue to monitor FCC's efforts to implement this recommendation.

Workforce Diversity: Hispanic Workers Are Underrepresented in the Media, and More Data Are Needed for Federal Enforcement Efforts

1 Open Recommendations
Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Federal Communications Commission The Chair of FCC should work with EEOC to develop a new memorandum of understanding that includes a plan for EEOC to routinely share data with FCC regarding discrimination charges filed against broadcasters and cable and satellite television operators. (Recommendation 2)
FCC agreed with this recommendation and described their initial efforts to work collaboratively with EEOC to address it. As of April 2023, FCC officials reported that FCC held initial discussions with EEOC regarding the establishment of an agreement and will continue these discussions to determine how to best implement GAO's recommendation. The agency did not provide an update for FY24. We will monitor the agency's progress and close the recommendation when these efforts are complete.

Spectrum Management: Agencies Should Strengthen Collaborative Mechanisms and Processes to Address Potential Interference

2 Open Recommendations
Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Federal Communications Commission The Chair of FCC should request that State initiate a review of the General Guidance Document—in consultation with FCC, NTIA, and other relevant participants—and update and develop a means to continually monitor and update this document. (Recommendation 4)
In a January 2022 letter, FCC affirmed its commitment to implement this recommendation. Although FCC has provided documentation of its request for the review, we have requested additional information from FCC about its plans to develop a means to continually monitor and update this document as also called for in our recommendation. We will continue to monitor FCC's efforts as it implements this recommendation.
Federal Communications Commission The Chair of FCC should establish procedures to help guide the design (including selection of acceptable assumptions and methodologies) of spectrum-sharing and potential-interference studies intended as U.S. contributions to WRC technical meetings, in consultation with NTIA, State, and other federal participants of the U.S. technical preparatory process. (Recommendation 5)
FCC agreed with this recommendation and has re-iterated its commitment to doing so. Previously, FCC officials told us that actions to implement this recommendation are in progress. As of February 2024, we are continuing to monitor FCC's actions to implement this recommendation in collaboration with NTIA. Establishing specific procedures for the design of spectrum-sharing and potential-interference studies intended as U.S. contributions to WRC technical meetings may help guide agencies' efforts to resolve disagreements like those experienced in the past.