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Military Airlift: Status of the C-17 Development Program

T-NSIAD-93-8 Published: Mar 18, 1993. Publicly Released: Mar 18, 1993.
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GAO discussed the status of the C-17 aircraft program. GAO noted that: (1) the Air Force and the contractor's cost and schedule estimates have been unduly optimistic; (2) in April 1992, the contractor's productivity had improved with each successive aircraft, but the rate of improvement did not increase; (3) the contractor will deliver 7 aircraft 3 to 6 months behind schedule; (4) the amount of funding obligated to the contractor prior to award has significantly increased; (5) the Air Force has delayed the C-17 flight test program because of poor flight test efficiency and late delivery of test aircraft; and (6) several technical problems with the C-17 program may result in decreased aircraft performance, increased program cost, and extended program schedules.

Full Report

Office of Public Affairs


Advance fundingAircraft researchContract performanceCost analysisFuture budget projectionsMilitary aircraftResearch and developmentTestingAircraft acquisition programMilitary forces