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Status of 1990 Census Follow-Up and Evaluation Efforts

T-GGD-90-58 Published: Jul 23, 1990. Publicly Released: Jul 23, 1990.
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GAO discussed: (1) the Census Bureau's progress in completing follow-up census efforts; and (2) early indications of the accuracy and completeness of census data. GAO noted that: (1) the Bureau completed nonresponse follow-up efforts in almost all of the 447 district offices that had such work; (2) follow-up efforts took place 7 weeks after the scheduled completion date, and 1 month after the 3-week delay period; (3) with the completion of most nonresponse follow-up efforts, the Bureau initiated coverage improvement efforts; (4) as of July 18, 1990, the Bureau had completed about 79 percent of its work load, but as a result of nonresponse work delays, subsequent follow-up efforts have also been delayed; (5) nonresponse follow-up delays negatively affected the Post Enumeration Survey schedule; (6) for about 3.5 percent of the occupied households on its address list, the Bureau gathered data from a nonhousehold member because the Bureau could not locate a resident, but this occurred much more in urban areas; and (7) the Bureau did not know the exact data quality implications of last-resort data, but such data introduced a potential source of error into the census that fell disproportionately in some of those areas where the Bureau experienced the greatest difficulties.

Full Report

Office of Public Affairs


CensusData collectionData integrityMailing listsPopulation statisticsResidencesStatistical methodsSurveysEnumeration activitiesData quality