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Data on EPA's Contracts

RCED-96-33R Published: Oct 27, 1995. Publicly Released: Nov 20, 1995.
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Pursuant to a congressional request, GAO collected information on Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) contracts issued after November 5, 1992, focusing on the: (1) completeness of EPA contract lists; and (2) accuracy of EPA responses about its vehicle emissions inspection and maintenance program. GAO noted that: (1) EPA did not identify 41 contracts issued after November 5, 1992, or the 69 contracts active as of that date; (2) EPA awarded a contract for the purchase, delivery, and installation of test equipment on September 30, 1992, and on January 16, 1994, it modified the contract because the company had changed its name; (3) after November 5, 1992, EPA Office of Mobile Sources issued 41 contracts valued at about $326 million, but it did not disclose the contracts because only $10 million related to the inspection and maintenance program; (4) EPA Office of Research and Development issued three contracts valued at more than $573,000 that may have been used by the Office of Mobile Sources; and (5) the Office of Research and Development had two contracts active as of November 5, 1992 that supported research on mobile source pollution.

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Office of Public Affairs


Contract modificationsContract oversightData collectionData integrityEnvironmental researchInformation disclosureMotor vehicle pollution controlService contractsResearch and developmentClean air