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Department of the Interior: Transfer of the Presidio From the Army to the National Park Service

RCED-94-61 Published: Oct 26, 1993. Publicly Released: Nov 12, 1993.
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Pursuant to congressional requests, GAO provided information on the National Park Service's acquisition and management of the Presidio of San Francisco, focusing on: (1) the alternatives the Park Service is considering for managing the Presidio; (2) estimated transition and annual operating and maintenance (O&M) costs; (3) current and future appropriation levels; and (4) the estimated value of the Presidio's land and buildings.


Recommendations for Executive Action

Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Department of the Interior Once an alternative for managing the Presidio has been selected, the Secretary of the Interior should direct the Director, National Park Service, to establish a plan of action to achieve the objectives of the selected alternative. At a minimum, this plan should: (1) prioritize the objectives; (2) identify their associated costs and funding sources; and (3) estimate the dates for their completion.
Closed – Implemented
The Park Service is using the Presidio's general management plan (GMP) as its plan of action. The GMP prioitizes objectives, identifies costs and funding sources, but does not estimate dates for completing objectives.
Department of the Interior The Secretary of the Interior should periodically report the progress in achieving the plan's objectives to the appropriate congressional oversight and appropriations committees.
Closed – Implemented
The Park Service plans to keep the Congress informed on the progress made in achieving the objectives of the general management plan.

Full Report

Office of Public Affairs


Appropriated fundsCost sharing (finance)Facility managementFacility transferFederal agency reorganizationFederal facility relocationFederal property managementNational historic sitesNational parksRepair costs