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Flood Insurance: Private Companies' Participation in the Write Your Own Program

RCED-87-108 Published: May 29, 1987. Publicly Released: Jun 29, 1987.
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In response to a congressional request, GAO reviewed the status of the Write Your Own (WYO) portion of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), which the Federal Emergency Management Agency's Federal Insurance Administration (FIA) administers, specifically: (1) WYO status as of September 30, 1986; (2) the benefits the federal government received from the administrative expense allowance, which the insurance companies retained from WYO policy premiums; and (3) FIA management of the program and monitoring of WYO companies.

Full Report

Office of Public Affairs


Administrative costsDisaster relief aidFlood insuranceFloodsInsurance companiesInsurance cost controlInsurance premiumsMonitoringProgram managementReporting requirements