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Improved Processes Can Reduce Requirements for Air Force War Reserve Spare Parts

PLRD-83-81 Published: Jul 08, 1983. Publicly Released: Jul 08, 1983.
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GAO reviewed the Air Force processes for determining requirements for war reserve spare parts.


Recommendations for Executive Action

Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Department of the Air Force The Secretary of the Air Force should direct the Commander, Air Force Logistics Command, to: (1) devise a technique which identifies significant variations in failure-rate data recorded in the DO-29 and DO-41 systems; (2) require item managers to review the propriety of war reserve requirements from the latest failure-rate data available, coordinate the data with system managers and using commands, and make adjustments in requirements computations; and (3) strengthen existing quality controls to ensure that requirements are properly adjusted and that purchases for items in excess of requirements are terminated.
Closed – Implemented
In January 1984, the Defense IG requested a status of specific actions taken in response to this recommendation. In March 1984, the Air Force replied, but neither addressed the specific questions raised no anticipated completion dates. The IG seems to be on top of this case. GAO plans to discuss further developments with them during the next followup cycle.
Department of the Air Force The Secretary of the Air Force should direct the Commander, Air Force Logistics Command, to determine the extent to which the configuration change problem exists on other F-15 avionics items and other aircraft weapons systems, such as the E-3 and F-16, and develop the means to compute realistic war reserve parts requirements.
Closed – Implemented
Despite full agreement with the problem identified and the savings potential, it remains unclear what corrective action is being taken on aircraft configuration visibility. The Defense Inspector General (IG) also raised this concern in its January 1984 memo to the Air Force. GAO plans to discuss further developments with them on this matter during the next followup cycle.

Full Report

Office of Public Affairs


Defense cost controlInternal controlsInventory control systemsMilitary inventoriesMilitary materielProperty and supply managementSpare partsAircraftMilitary forcesLogistics