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Munitions Procurement: Resolve Questions Before Proceeding With Sensor Fuzed Weapon Production

NSIAD-91-235 Published: Aug 16, 1991. Publicly Released: Aug 16, 1991.
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Pursuant to a congressional request, GAO examined the Air Force's Sensor Fuzed Weapon's readiness for low-rate initial production, focusing on the: (1) status of developmental and operational testing; (2) adequacy of cost and operational effectiveness analyses; and (3) status of the threat that the weapon is intended to counter.


Matter for Congressional Consideration

Matter Status Comments
Congress should deny production funds for the sensor fuzed weapon program until the Department of Defense (DOD) reassesses the weapon's cost and operational effectiveness in relation to other interdiction weapons in the DOD inventory.
Closed – Implemented
Congress provided the funds requested by the Air Force, but stipulated that the funds could not be obligated until the weapon's cost effectiveness is reassessed.

Recommendations for Executive Action

Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Department of Defense The Secretary of Defense should: (1) direct the Joint Technical Coordinating Group for Munitions Effectiveness to expedite its development of an effectiveness criterion for interdiction weapons; (2) direct the Secretary of the Air Force to assess the sensor fuzed weapon's cost and operational effectiveness in comparison to the full range of interdiction weapons using an approved interdiction criterion; and (3) not approve the sensor fuzed weapon for production until the Air Force conclusively demonstrates that the weapon is cost-effective in its primary mission.
Closed – Implemented
DOD decided not to complete development of an effectiveness criterion for interdiction weapons, or expand the range of weapons to be considered in the Sensor Fuzed Weapon's cost and operational effectiveness analysis. Nevertheless, the DOD completed analysis as planned and the Sensor Fuzed Weapon was approved for low-rate production.

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Weapons systemsAir Force procurementCombat readinessConcurrencyCost effectiveness analysisEvaluation methodsMilitary aircraftOperational testingProcurement planningWeapons research and development