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Foreign Aid: Accountability and Control Over U.S. Assistance to Indonesia

NSIAD-87-187 Published: Aug 19, 1987. Publicly Released: Aug 19, 1987.
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In response to a congressional request, GAO reviewed the accountability and controls over U.S. assistance to Indonesia.


Recommendations for Executive Action

Agency Affected Recommendation Status
U.S. Agency for International Development The Administrator, AID, should direct the mission director to: (1) negotiate specific and measurable P.L. 83-480 title I requirements with Indonesia, to include quantifiable baseline information, specific time frames, and detailed budget information; (2) implement the terms of U.S.-Indonesian agreements by requiring Indonesia to submit the required audited reports on sales proceeds and receipts and to improve the content and timely submissions of its progress reports; (3) reconcile discrepancies in title I expenditures for 1982 through 1985 with the Indonesian government and ensure that agreed-upon local currency amounts are spent as intended; (4) consider requiring the Indonesian government to establish a separate P.L. 83-480 local currency account for future agreements; (5) evaluate the adequacy of private voluntary organizations' control under title II programs; and (6) develop procedures with specific criteria for monitoring major AID-financed development assistance items.
Closed – Implemented
AID has complied with this recommendation.

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AccountabilityCommodity salesForeign aid programsForeign economic assistanceFunds managementInternational food programsInternational organizationsMonitoringAgricultural commoditiesU.S. Currency