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Extent of Compliance With DOD's Requirement To Report Defense-Related Employment

NSIAD-85-98 Published: Jun 10, 1985. Publicly Released: Jun 14, 1985.
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Pursuant to congressional request, GAO examined the degree of compliance with a requirement that former Department of Defense (DOD) personnel report employment with major defense contractors. Under 10 U.S.C. 2397, former DOD civilian and military personnel who had at least 10 years of continuous service and attained grade GS-13 or a military rank of 0-4 and who work for a defense contractor with at least $10 million in negotiated defense contracts are required to report information on their current employment activities.

Full Report

Office of Public Affairs


Conflict of interestsDepartment of Defense contractorsReporting requirementsMilitary forcesFederal employmentSecurity clearancesCivilian employeesInternational affairsDefense contractorsMilitary personnel