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U.S. Airlift Requirements Should Be Satisfied Through Competition

MASAD-82-11 Published: Dec 18, 1981. Publicly Released: Dec 18, 1981.
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GAO reviewed the Air Force's C-X airlift aircraft program. The Air Force has been studying various alternatives for obtaining additional airlift capability. Alternatives considered include: Civil Reserve Air Fleet enhancements; the procurement of commercial wide-bodied aircraft or derivatives thereof; and procurement of military airlifters. The Air Force has recommended the procurement of the C-X as the desired military airlifter. Congress did not appropriate funds for the C-X program for fiscal year 1982. Instead, $50 million was appropriated to initiate the procurement of wide-bodied aircraft.


Recommendations for Executive Action

Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Department of Defense The Secretary of Defense should direct the Air Force to solicit the maximum competition practicable for airlifters being considered to satisfy mission shortfalls.
Closed – Not Implemented
DOD believes the GAO recommendation in this case has no merit. The current review under Code 951705 is pursuing the issues involved on the decision of DOD to acquire C-5 aircraft and other issues related to the near term airlift enhancement program.

Full Report

Office of Public Affairs


Air Force procurementAppropriationsMilitary aircraftMilitary airlift operationsSole source procurementSolicitation specificationsAircraft acquisition programMilitary forcesAircraft acquisition programsGovernment procurement