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TSM: IRS' Key Planning Components

IMTEC-92-55R Published: May 22, 1992. Publicly Released: May 22, 1992.
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GAO commented on the Internal Revenue Service's (IRS) inadequate planning for its planned multibillion-dollar Tax System Modernization (TSM) program. GAO noted that: (1) IRS lacks a strategy describing how current and planned systems in the modernization are to be integrated; and (2) IRS lacks a plan describing how its business operations will transition to modernized technologies; and (3) such a strategy should develop standards for effective interchange of data, identify system interdependencies, specify the criticality of key systems and priority of their implementation, and describe modifications required to existing and bridge systems to accommodate integration. GAO also noted that IRS should give priority attention to these projects to ensure that they are completed by the end of 1992.

Full Report

Office of Public Affairs


Computer equipment managementComputer securityComputer services contractsInformation systemsIT acquisitionsPlanningSystems conversionsSystems managementTax administration systemsInformation management