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ADP Budget: Defense Logistics Agency's Automated Information Systems Budget Request

IMTEC-88-50BR Published: Sep 23, 1988. Publicly Released: Oct 25, 1988.
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In response to a congressional request, GAO reviewed the Defense Logistics Agency's (DLA) fiscal year (FY) 1989 budget requests for selected general-purpose automated information systems.


Matter for Congressional Consideration

Matter Status Comments
The Subcommittee may wish to direct DLA to document detailed system cost information and display all relevant costs in required exhibits 43A-1 and 43B in future congressional budget submissions.
Closed – Implemented
The Subcommittee did not implement the GAO suggestion and does not intend to do so.
The Subcommittee may wish to consider requesting that DLA postpone obligating the $24.1 million until the agency develops and provides the Subcommittee with additional justification for including these purchases in an operations and maintenance program.
Closed – Implemented
The House Appropriations Committee reduced the DLA FY 1989 budget by $20 million. Although the Senate subsequently disagreed with the House and proposed no reduction, the appropriation conferees agreed to an $11 million reduction.

Full Report

Office of Public Affairs


IT acquisitionsBudget obligationsSoftwareDefense budgetsDefense procurementFuture budget projectionsInformation systemsPersonal computersLogisticsBudget submissions