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Software Systems: SSA Encountering Significant Delays in Its Claims Modernization Project

IMTEC-87-8 Published: Dec 22, 1986. Publicly Released: Mar 02, 1987.
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In response to a congressional request, GAO reviewed the Social Security Administration's (SSA) Claims Modernization Project (CMP) to determine SSA progress in achieving the project's original objectives.


Recommendations for Executive Action

Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Department of Health and Human Services To avoid a continuation of the problems which have hindered the SSA software modernization effort and related hardware acquisitions, the Secretary of Health and Human Services should direct the Commissioner of Social Security to reassess the SSA approach to modernization, including determining the criticality of the deficient software areas originally included in CMP and prioritizing the redesign of that software accordingly.
Closed – Not Implemented
The reassessment is underway at SSA and will be evaluated in planned work.
Social Security Administration The Commissioner of Social Security should develop time frames and cost estimates for achieving the redesign.
Closed – Not Implemented
The plan will not be completed until sometime in the later part of 1988, and will be evaluated by GAO at that time.
Social Security Administration The Commissioner of Social Security should conduct a prototype test that reflects the results of the reassessment and is designed to include an evaluation of the performance of the total hardware configuration and software components as they are developed. At a minimum, the test should include verifying operational performance and additional equipment needs, and the impact on field office positions, as well as evaluating the impact on the overall program objective of improving service to the public.
Closed – Not Implemented
Current GAO work is continuing to assess the need for SSA to implement a comprehensive pilot test program.
Social Security Administration The Commissioner of Social Security should reconsider the quantity of hardware needed and the timing of its installation. If the reassessment discloses that the quantity of hardware being procured, as well as the installation schedule of such hardware, exceeds the needs of the scaled-back and delayed CMP, SSA should consider cost-effective alternatives, including renegotiation of the hardware contracts. Since installation schedules have been established in the contract, SSA needs to give priority attention to this recommendation.
Closed – Not Implemented
SSA is reassessing its modernization initiative, which may create different hardware needs. Ongoing and planned work will continue to evaluate SSA resource needs.
Social Security Administration The Commissioner of Social Security should complete development of software standards and apply these standards in future software development in order to reduce the level of risk inherent in the agency's software improvement practices.
Closed – Implemented
Standards have been completed and their use will be evaluated in other ongoing and planned work.

Full Report

Office of Public Affairs


Computer equipment managementSoftwareInformation systemsProgram managementSystems conversionsBusiness systems modernizationSoftware documentationInformation managementDelivery termsPrioritizing