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Remedial Education: Modifying Chapter 1 Formula Would Target More Funds to Those Most in Need

HRD-92-16 Published: Jul 28, 1992. Publicly Released: Jul 28, 1992.
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Pursuant to a congressional request, GAO reviewed the Chapter 1 program established to fund supplementary remedial education services for low-achieving students in poverty areas, focusing on whether: (1) modifications to the Chapter 1 funding formula would improve the targeting of program funds; (2) the Chapter 1 formula adequately reflects the cost of providing education services; and (3) more current information than census data is available for determining the distribution of Chapter 1 funds.


Matter for Congressional Consideration

Matter Status Comments
Congress should revise the Chapter 1 formula to reflect the greater need of counties with high numbers of poor children and grant additional assistance to those counties with relatively less ability to fund remedial education.
Closed – Implemented
When authorizing this program as part of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act in October 1994, Congress targeted additional funds to counties with high numbers of poor children.
Congress, in conjunction with the Secretary of Education, should develop a cost factor that better reflects educational cost differences among states and school districts.
Closed – Not Implemented
Legislation enacted in the 103rd Congress (Public Law 103-382) did not adopt the recommendation, and there is little likelihood that other legislation will be introduced until the law is reauthorized in 5 years.

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Office of Public Affairs


Aid for educationCompensatory educationDisadvantaged personsEconomically depressed areasEducation or training costsElementary school studentsFormula grantsPopulation statisticsSecondary school studentsSchools