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Retirement Income: 1984 Pension Law Will Help Some Widows but Not the Poorest

HRD-88-77 Published: Jul 11, 1988. Publicly Released: Jul 11, 1988.
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Pursuant to a legislative requirement, GAO analyzed the potential effects of the spousal consent provision of the Retirement Equity Act of 1984 on the economic status of future widows, focusing on: (1) how many wives could gain entitlement to survivor benefits as a result of the act; (2) what economic circumstances influenced whether husbands selected survivor benefits, prior to the act; (3) to what extent survivor benefits would increase widows' incomes; (4) whether increased access to survivor benefits would help those most vulnerable to poverty; and (5) to what extent increased access to survivor benefits would lessen widows' dependence on social security.

Full Report

Office of Public Affairs


BeneficiariesCivil service retirement systemElderly personsEmployee retirement plansEmployee survivors benefitsEntitlementsFederal legislationIncome maintenance programsPensionsRetirement incomeSocial security benefitsWidowed persons