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Mine Safety: Questions Regarding Enforcement at Wilberg Coal Mine

HRD-88-30BR Published: Nov 03, 1987. Publicly Released: Feb 08, 1988.
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In response to a congressional request, GAO evaluated the Mine Safety and Health Administration's (MSHA) enforcement of certain safety standards at the Wilberg Coal Mine in Utah at the time a fire broke out, to determine whether MSHA: (1) violated any federal laws, regulations, or policies in approving the mine operator's proposal to use an alternative method to meet a ventilation safety standard; (2) should have requested up-to-date evacuation plans from the mine operator; and (3) should have required fireproofing of the compressor station.

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Office of Public Affairs


Accident preventionInspectionLaw enforcementMine safetyMining accidentsNoncomplianceOccupational safetySafety regulationSafety standardsEvacuation plans