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Department of the Interior: Bureau of Reclamation Aircraft Should Be Centrally Managed Like Other Interior Aircraft

GGD-90-20 Published: Jan 18, 1990. Publicly Released: Mar 09, 1990.
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Pursuant to a congressional request, GAO examined the Bureau of Reclamation's management and administrative use of government aircraft, focusing on whether: (1) the Bureau complied with the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) aircraft ownership, management, and administrative use policies; and (2) there were any reasons why the Department of the Interior's Office of Aircraft Services should not own and centrally manage the Bureau's aircraft, as it did most other Interior aircraft.


Recommendations for Executive Action

Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Department of the Interior To better ensure that the Bureau of Reclamation aircraft and aircraft operations are cost-effective, the Secretary of the Interior should require: (1) the Bureau to place its aircraft into the Office of Aircraft Services' (OAS) fleet and seek the Office's assistance in managing them; and (2) Interior's Assistant Secretary for Policy, Budget, and Administration to oversee the Bureau's compliance with OMB aircraft management policies.
Closed – Implemented
These actions were taken, effective as of July 1, 1990.

Full Report

Office of Public Affairs


Administrative costsAir transportationAircraftCentralizationCost effectiveness analysisEquipment managementFederal agency accounting systemsGovernment owned equipmentNoncomplianceTravel costs