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Problems with Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures Need To Be Resolved

FPCD-77-54 Published: Feb 02, 1978. Publicly Released: Feb 02, 1978.
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The Equal Employment Opportunity Coordinating Council, consisting of the Secretary of Labor, the Attorney General and the chairpersons of the Civil Service Commission, Civil Rights Commission, and Equal Employment Opportunity Commission or their respective delegates, was established in 1972 to coordinate federal equal employment opportunity enforcement efforts. Early in 1973, the Council set out to develop and adopt uniform guidelines for determining the proper use of tests and other selection procedures consistent with the equal employment opportunity requirements of federal law. After 5 years, this work is still not completed.

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Office of Public Affairs


Cost effectiveness analysisEmployment discriminationFair employment programsFederal regulationsHiring policiesTestingEqual employment opportunityCivil serviceCivil rightsDiscrimination