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Review of the Propriety of White House and Executive Agency Expenditures for Selected Travel, Entertainment and Personnel Costs

FGMSD-81-13 Published: Oct 20, 1980. Publicly Released: Nov 20, 1980.
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GAO reviewed selected expenditures of the White House and other Federal agencies to determine if appropriated funds are being used improperly to advance the political candidacy of the incumbent President. The review concentrated on: (1) the policies and procedures for handling travel and entertainment by the White House and Federal agency officials; (2) whether specific events were improperly charged to appropriated funds; (3) the guidelines provided to Federal agencies; and (4) the allocation of personnel and overtime costs for entertainment.

Full Report

Office of Public Affairs


Appropriated fundsElection campaign financingExecutive agenciesFinancial disclosurePolicy evaluationPolitical activitiesPolitical candidatesPolitical corruptionPresidential budgetsTravel costs