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Response to Questions Clarifying a Previous GAO Report on the Department of Energy's Breeder Reactor Program

EMD-81-83 Published: May 04, 1981. Publicly Released: Jun 04, 1981.
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GAO was requested to respond to questions clarifying the information contained in a prior report about the Department of Energy's (DOE) breeder reactor program. The information requested included: (1) the best available estimate by GAO of the cost of construction of the Clinch River liquid metal fast breeder reactor (LMFBR) after adjusting for inflation and cost overruns; (2) alternative strategies open to Congress if it wants to maintain a breeder program; (3) the specific electricity demand assumptions used in the GAO estimates; (4) the French experience with its own breeder program with regard to cost overruns, revised estimates of the capital cost of light-water reactors, and revised estimates of the cost per kilowatt-hour of breeder-produced electricity; (5) considerations given, on a cost-benefit basis, to alternative technologies that could meet future demand for electricity and the need for oil displacement; (6) effect certain improvements in nonbreeder reactors would have in extending uranium resources; and (7) a symmetrical comparison to compare the most recent projections with those made at the inception of the Clinch River project.

Full Report

Office of Public Affairs


Cost analysisEnergy suppliesFast breeder reactorsNuclear powerplantsProgram evaluationUraniumBreeder reactorBreeder reactorsNuclear powerNuclear reactors