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Elimination of Federal Funds for the Heber Project Will Impede Full Development and Use of Hydrothermal Resources

EMD-81-110 Published: Jun 25, 1981. Publicly Released: Jun 25, 1981.
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GAO examined the performance by the Department of Energy (DOE) in demonstrating the feasibility of geothermal electric powerplants. The work focused on addressing the Administration's proposal to eliminate funds for the Heber binary cycle geothermal demonstration project and the effects this funding elimination will have on the further development and use of hydrothermal resources for generating electricity. GAO also examined the status of and potential for developing hydrothermal resources, the use of binary cycle technology on these resources, the purposes and objectives of the project, and the rationale for eliminating funding for the project.

Full Report

Office of Public Affairs


Contract costsElectric power generationElectric powerplantsElectric utilitiesEnergy suppliesFederal fundsGeothermal energyMonitoringPrivate sectorResearch and development