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Federal Regulation of Propane and Naphtha: Is It Necessary?

EMD-78-73 Published: Oct 24, 1978. Publicly Released: Oct 24, 1978.
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Propane and naphtha are important to major segments of the Nation's economy because they are used both as a primary fuel and as feedstocks for certain industrial processes. Propane and naphtha, along with other petroleum-based products, were placed under federal control by the Emergency Petroleum Allocation Act of 1973. The responsibility for establishing and carrying out the allocation regulations were delegated to the Federal Energy Administration (FEA) and transferred to the Department of Energy in 1977.

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Office of Public Affairs


Energy shortagesFederal regulationsFuel rationingFuelsPetroleum industryPetroleum legislationPetroleum productsSynthetic fuelsPropane gasNatural gas