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An Assessment of Parity as a Tool for Formulating and Evaluating Agricultural Policy

CED-81-11 Published: Oct 10, 1980. Publicly Released: Oct 10, 1980.
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The essence of U.S. farm policy has been to provide a certain level of economic security to the farm sector through various government programs. Until 1973, these programs were linked to parity, a measure of the purchasing power of farm commodities today in relation to their purchasing power during the base period of 1910 to 1914. Although most programs are now linked to costs of production, policymakers and others still regard parity as a barometer of the economic health of the agricultural sector.


Recommendations for Executive Action

Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Department of Agriculture The Secretary of Agriculture should develop a comprehensive and systematic framework for policymakers to use in formulating and evaluating various policy options for U.S. agriculture.
Please call 202/512-6100 for additional information.

Full Report

Office of Public Affairs


Agricultural industryAgricultural policiesAgricultural programsFarm income stabilization programsFood supplyInternational tradePrice supportsParityAgricultural commoditiesGrain and grain products