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U.S. Railway Association's Subsidy for Its Executive Dining Room and Its Award of Two Contracts

CED-78-2 Published: Nov 07, 1977. Publicly Released: Jul 08, 1981.
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The U.S. Railway Association is a nonprofit, mixed-owership government corporation which is free from certain standard government procedures. The financial records of the U.S. Railway Association's executive dining room do not adequately show the extent to which the dining room is self-supporting. Analysis of two contracts awarded by the Association showed that one would not have complied with Federal Procurement Regulations had they been applicable, while the other would have conformed to the regulations.

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Office of Public Affairs


ContractsDining facilitiesFederal corporationsFinancial disclosureFinancial managementFinancial recordsProcurement practicesProcurementRailFederal procurement