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B-244189.2, May 11, 1992

B-244189.2 May 11, 1992
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Is denied.

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B-244189.2, May 11, 1992

CIVILIAN PERSONNEL - Travel - Actual subsistence expenses - Fraud - Allegation substantiation - Evidence sufficiency DIGEST: Claimant knowingly presented materially false information in support of his claims by placing the name of a taxicab company which he did not use on the receipts which he submitted. In view of the Federal Travel Regulation, 41 C.F.R. Sec. 301-11.1 (1991), the knowing submission of any materially false fact in support of a claim constitutes sufficient grounds for considering the claim to be of doubtful validity and for denying payment. Employee's request for reconsideration of B-244189, Oct. 25, 1991, is denied.

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