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[Protest of Defense Supply Service Contract Award for Photocopier Maintenance Services]

B-234137 Published: Apr 18, 1989. Publicly Released: Apr 18, 1989.
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A firm protested a Defense Supply Service (DSS) contract award for photocopier maintenance services, contending that DSS: (1) should have rejected the awardee's low bid as nonresponsive because it was mathematically and materially unbalanced; and (2) failed to notify bidders that it had provided a response to the awardee's oral question, showing bias in the awardee's favor. GAO held that the protester failed to show that: (1) the awardee's bid was unbalanced; and (2) DSS reiteration of information contained in the solicitation harmed other bidders. Accordingly, the protest was denied.

Full Report

Office of Public Affairs