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Transportation Allowances for Service Member's Change of Residence

B-195731 Jul 28, 1980
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GAO was asked whether statutory authority would permit the amendment of Joint Travel Regulations to allow for the drayage of household goods from one residence to another in situations where a service member was assigned to a permanent duty station for the purpose of participating in a training program, and his assignment at that duty station was involuntarily extended when he completed his period of training. GAO held that Joint Travel Regulations may be amended to allow a service member any necessary drayage and storage of household goods if the extension of assignment at the permanent duty station is involuntary, and if the service member is required for reasons beyond his control, such as the refusal of his landlord to renew a lease agreement, to change his residence incident to the extension of his assignment. However, Joint Travel Regulations may not be amended to allow drayage of a service member's household goods to a new residence when his duty assignment is extended, if the service member elected as a matter of personal preference to move to new living quarters.


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