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Congressional Award Foundation: Continuing Attention Needed to Improve Internal Controls

AIMD-98-229R Published: Jul 31, 1998. Publicly Released: Jul 31, 1998.
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Pursuant to a legislative requirement, GAO provided information on the Congressional Award Foundation's fiscal year (FY) 1997 financial statements and on management's assertions regarding the Foundation's system of internal controls as of September 30, 1997, focusing on: (1) the need to establish and document certain internal control policies and procedures suggested as a result of GAO's FY 1996 audit; and (2) additional matters identified during GAO's FY 1997 audit that relate to those previously identified weaknesses.

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Office of Public Affairs


Accounting errorsAccounting proceduresAccounts receivableFinancial managementFinancial recordsFinancial statement auditsFoundations (organizations)Internal controlsPolicies and proceduresFinancial statements