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B-230736.3, Aug 18, 1988, 88-2 CPD 154

B-230736.3 Aug 18, 1988
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Which was found technically unacceptable due to understaffing. Is dismissed without obtaining an agency report. Colbar states that since its price was significantly low and it is "highly experienced and qualified. Which it knew was sufficient. " it is entitled to award. Colbar was advised by the Army that it did not receive the award because its "offer was technically unacceptable due to inadequately proposed overall staffing.". Its protest is dismissed.

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B-230736.3, Aug 18, 1988, 88-2 CPD 154

PROCUREMENT - Bid Protests - Dismissal - Definition DIGEST: A protest of an award by a firm, which was found technically unacceptable due to understaffing, but which does not dispute the agency determination in this regard, is dismissed without obtaining an agency report.

Colbar, Inc.:

Colbar, Inc., protests the award of a contract to H.L.J. Management Group, Inc., by the Department of the Army for full food and kitchen police services at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland. Colbar states that since its price was significantly low and it is "highly experienced and qualified, and demonstrated such ability in its technical proposal, which it knew was sufficient, if not superior to the other proposals received," it is entitled to award.

We dismiss the protest without obtaining an agency report.

On August 12, 1988, Colbar was advised by the Army that it did not receive the award because its "offer was technically unacceptable due to inadequately proposed overall staffing." Colbar does not dispute this determination in its protest.

Consequently, since Colbar has not stated a valid basis for protest, its protest is dismissed.

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