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[Protest of Army Contract Award for Maintenance and Repair Services]

B-284708.2,B-284708.3 Published: Jun 05, 2000. Publicly Released: Jun 05, 2000.
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A firm protested an Army contract award for housing repairs, contending that the Army: (1) conducted an improper cost/technical tradeoff; and (2) improperly evaluated the proposals. GAO held that the Army failed to properly document its proposal evaluation and cost/technical tradeoff. Accordingly, the protest was sustained, and GAO recommended that the Army: (1) allow bidders to make new oral presentations and to submit revised written portions of their proposals; (2) make an adequate record of the revised oral presentations and proposal evaluations; (3) conduct discussions, if deemed necessary; (4) terminate the awardee's contract and make award to another bidder, if otherwise appropriate; and (5) reimburse the protester for its protest costs.

Full Report

Office of Public Affairs