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[Claim for Retroactive Payment of Retired Serviceman's Family Protection Plan Annuity]

B-255963 Published: Jun 14, 1994. Publicly Released: Jun 14, 1994.
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The Air Force requested a decision on the payment of a deceased member's retirement annuity from a suspended account. GAO held that the member's dependent child was entitled to only a portion of the suspended annuity, since the remaining portion of his claim was more than 6 years old and was barred under statutory limitations. Accordingly, the claim was partially allowed.

Office of Public Affairs


Barred claimsBeneficiariesClaims settlementEligibility determinationsEmployee survivors benefitsGuardiansMilitary benefits claimsMilitary dependentsPension claimsRetired Air Force personnelU.S. Air ForceRegulatory noncomplianceIntellectual property rightsDependentsWide area networks