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[Export-Import Bank Calculation of Funding Reserved For Small Business Concerns]

B-254396 Published: Sep 29, 1993. Publicly Released: Sep 29, 1993.
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The Export-Import Bank requested an opinion regarding: (1) the methodology it used to calculate the amount authorized for small business set-asides; and (2) whether unspent amounts in the reserve could be used for other purposes. GAO held that: (1) the Bank should calculate the amount authorized for small business set-asides by using its subsidy appropriation as the basis for its projection; and (2) unspent amounts in the set-aside can be used for other purposes, since the set-aside is available exclusively for small businesses.

Office of Public Affairs


Accounting proceduresAppropriated fundsBudget apportionmentBudget authorityFuture budget projectionsSmall business assistanceSmall business set-asidesSpending legislationUnexpended budget balancesSmall businessExport-Import bankGovernment subsidies