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[Comments on Recommendations in GAO Report]

B-244224 Published: Jul 30, 1991. Publicly Released: Jul 30, 1991.
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GAO commented on recommendations it made in a previous report on safety issues associated with vehicle-based, or onboard, vapor recover systems. GAO noted that: (1) the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) believes that the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHSTA) should provide it with a safety determination before it can issue an onboard regulation, but NHSTA believes that it can not provide a safety assessment since the systems are not in use; (2) it recommended that EPA and NHSTA jointly develop an onboard system evaluation plan to ensure onboard system safety and increased coordination between the agencies, not to change EPA responsibility for safety-related decisionmaking or to obtain a NHSTA seal of approval; and (3) it did not intend the recommendations to change NHSTA legal authority to recall automobiles.

Full Report

Office of Public Affairs


Air pollution controlEnvironmental monitoringEnvironmental researchInteragency relationsMotor vehicle pollutionMotor vehicle safetySafety regulationSafety standardsTransportation researchEconomic development