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[Protest of FAA Rejection of Low Bid for Radio Communications Link Facilities]

B-239783 Published: Jun 07, 1990. Publicly Released: Jun 07, 1990.
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A firm protested the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) rejection of its bid for radio communications link facilities, contending that although its bid bond was smaller than the solicitation required, GSA should have waived that as a minor informality. GAO held that GSA properly rejected the protester's bid as nonresponsive. Accordingly, the protest was dismissed.

Office of Public Affairs


Bid bondsBid errorsBid rejection protestsBid responsivenessConstruction contractsSolicitation specifications waiversSolicitationsBid evaluation protestsFederal acquisition regulationsRadio communicationsAviationIntellectual property rightsProtestsConstruction companiesFederal regulationsConstruction