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[Protest of SSA Contract Award for Armed Guard Services]

B-232263 Published: Nov 07, 1988. Publicly Released: Nov 07, 1988.
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A firm protested any Social Security Administration (SSA) contract award for armed guard services, contending that SSA should have: (1) included a labor escalation clause in the solicitation to provide for possible wage determination increases; and (2) provided the proteste r with information concerning the incumbent contractor's personnel to equalize competition. GAO held that: (1) the Federal Acquisition Regulation did not require SSA to include the labor escalation clause; and (2) SSA properly did not disclose the incumbent's personnel information, since the incumbent's perceived competitive advantage over the protester was not due to any unfair government action. Accordingly, the protest was denied.

Full Report

Office of Public Affairs


Contract award protestsContractor personnelDefective solicitationsMinimum wage ratesSecurity services contractsSpecifications protestsSolicitationsFederal acquisition regulationsCompetitive advantageBid evaluation protestsWage determinationsProtestsIntellectual property rightsBid proposalsAviationOccupational retraining