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[Protest Against Navy Nonresponsibility Determination Under Solicitation for Base Services]

B-229558.2,B-229558.3 Published: Oct 04, 1988. Publicly Released: Oct 04, 1988.
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The Navy requested an advance decision regarding its determination that a bidder was nonresponsible for failure to demonstrate sufficient staffing to perform the required maintenance services. The bidder also protested the Navy's determination. GAO held that the Navy's nonresponsibility determination lacked a reasonable basis, since the: (1) sole basis for its determination was that the protester's estimate of the required staff was lower than the Navy's estimate; and (2) Navy failed to find that the protester was unable or unwilling to stand by its commitment to perform the contract. Accordingly, the protest was sustained, and GAO recommended that the: (1) Navy reconsider the protester's responsibility in accordance with the foregoing; (2) Navy make award to the protester if it found the protester responsible; and (3) protester submit a claim to the Navy for its protest costs.

Full Report

Office of Public Affairs


Bid rejection protestsBidder responsibilityComparative analysisCost analysisLegal feesMaintenance services contractsNaval procurementSolicitation specificationsU.S. Navy