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[Protest of Proposed Navy Solicitation for Correction of Support System Alarm]

B-231752 Published: Aug 16, 1988. Publicly Released: Aug 16, 1988.
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A firm protested a proposed Navy solicitation for correction of a support system alarm, contending that the Navy: (1) should have awarded it a sole-source contract, since the Navy had approved its unsolicited proposal; and (2) disclosed its proprietary data to three of its competitors. GAO would not consider the protest, since the Navy had: (1) the discretion not to make award based upon an unsolicited proposal; and (2) not yet issued a solicitation for the service, rendering the protest against disclosure of proprietary information premature. Accordingly, the protest was dismissed.

Full Report

Office of Public Affairs


Bid protest regulationsBid protestsNaval procurementProprietary dataService contractsSole source procurementUnsolicited bidsBid proposalsU.S. NavyBid evaluation protests