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[Comments on Proposed FAR Amendment Concerning Contract Debt Payment Demands]

B-230243 Mar 31, 1988
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GAO commented on a proposed amendment to the Federal Acquisition Regulation to implement changes requiring: (1) contracting officers to include demands for payments in their decisions relating to contract debts owed to the government; and (2) agencies to withhold demands for payments until after the contracting officer's final decision. GAO had no objection to the proposed changes.

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B-230243, Mar 31, 1988, 88-1 CPD ***, Office of General Counsel

PROCUREMENT - Payment/Discharge - Federal Procurement Regulations/Laws - Amendments - Contractor Debts DIGEST: General Accounting Office has no objection to proposed amendments to Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Parts 32 and 33, which would provide that final decisions of the contracting officer relating to unilaterally determined debts shall include demands for payment and that no demands shall issue before the final decision.

Margaret A. Willis, FAR Secretariat, General Services Administration:

This responds to your request for our comments on a proposal to amend Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Parts 32 and 33 to clarify the policy of the government concerning demands for payments of contract debts owed the government. This is FAR Case No. 87-54.

The proposed changes would provide that final decisions of the contracting officer relating to unilaterally determined debts shall include demands for payment. Further, they would provide that no demands for payment shall be issued prior to the contracting officer's final decision.

We have no objection to the proposed changes.

Office of Public Affairs