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[Request for Relief for Army Finance and Accounting Officer]

B-229197 Nov 10, 1987
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B-229197, Nov 10, 1987, Office of General Counsel

PROCUREMENT - Officers - Disbursing Officers - Relief - Illegal/Improper Payments - Substitute Checks DIGEST: GAO has delegated to the Army the authority to grant relief to accountable officers in duplicate payment cases involving the issuing or certifying of a substitute or recertified check drawn for pay and allowances of civilian and military personnel in the amounts of $750 or less. B-214372, October 9, 1987. The amount involved here is under $750 and therefore is returned to the Army for administrative resolution in accordance with the statutory standards of 31 U.S.C. Sec. 3527(c) and applicable Comptroller General decisions.

General Hall:

This responds to your request of October 5, 1987, that we relieve Mr. L. W. Maschino, DSSN 5521, Finance and Accounting Officer, Omaha District, Corps of Engineers, Omaha, Nebraska, under 31 U.S.C. Sec. 3527(c) for an improper payment of a $367.31 check payable to Mr. Robert W. Freyman. return this request to you for resolution.

The loss in this case resulted when the payee cashed both an original and substitute check. This Office has recently delegated to the Army the authority to grant relief to accountable officers in duplicate check payment cases involving the issuing or certifying of a substitute or recertified check drawn for pay and allowances of civilian and military personnel in the amounts of $750 or less. B-214372, October 9, 1987. These cases may be administratively determined in accordance with the statutory standards of 31 U.S.C. Secs. 3527(c) and 3528(b) and applicable Comptroller General decisions. Id.

Since the amount involved here is less than $750, the Army has authority to grant or deny relief of liability upon making the necessary determinations. Accordingly, we are returning this case to you for resolution.

Office of Public Affairs