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[Decision Concerning Labor Request for Opinion on Issues Related to Contract for Litigation Support Services]

B-224702 Published: Aug 05, 1987. Publicly Released: Aug 05, 1987.
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The Department of Labor requested an opinion on certain issues regarding a firm's Small Business Administration (SBA) section 8(a) contract for litigation support services in connection with the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA). GAO held that Labor: (1) could not extend the contract, since the subcontractor lost its eligibility to participate in the SBA program; (2) could separate the services on a yearly basis, since the contract was essentially for clerical services only and did not require a final report or product; and (3) could not use appropriated funds to extend the contract beyond any fiscal year, since the services were severable on a yearly basis. Accordingly, Labor should adjust its appropriation accounts to the extent possible and, if appropriate, report a deficiency violation.

Full Report

Office of Public Affairs


Appropriated fundsBidder eligibilityContract extensionsContract modificationsContract terminationCost plus fixed fee contractsPrime contractorsService contractsSmall business contractorsSole source procurementSmall business development programsLitigationProcurementPublic interestSmall businessEmployee retirementsDatabase management systemsFederal acquisition regulations