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[Request for Reconsideration of Sustained Protest Against Air Force Rejection of Bid]

B-224533.2 Published: Jun 02, 1987. Publicly Released: Jun 02, 1987.
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The Air Force requested reconsideration of a sustained protest against its rejection of a low bid. GAO held that the Air Force: (1) improperly rejected a best and final offer which contained a clerical error; (2) should have reviewed the entire proposal, including all best and final offers, and clarified any bid discrepancies instead of rejecting the proposal; (3) did not need to reopen discussions with other offerers in the competitive range to clarify the bid error; and (4) did not show any error of fact or law which would warrant reversal. GAO also held that the offerer did not intend to take exception to the solicitation requirements. Accordingly, the original decision was affirmed.

Office of Public Affairs


Air Force procurementBest and final offersBid errorsBid protest reconsiderationsBid protest regulationsBid rejection protestsSolicitation specificationsU.S. Air Force