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[Request for Reconsideration of Denial of Protest Under FAA RFP]

B-223175.2 Published: Nov 19, 1986. Publicly Released: Nov 19, 1986.
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A firm requested reconsideration of another firm's denied protest against a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) solicitation for aircraft, contending that GAO based its decision on a mistaken assumption. The protester participated as an interested party in the other firm's protest, in which GAO held that FAA properly excluded the protester from the competitive range. GAO held that the requester's allegation was without merit, since a review showed that the alleged factual misstatements were not erroneous. Accordingly, the decision was affirmed.

Office of Public Affairs


Bid protest reconsiderationsBid rejection protestsCompetitive rangeAircraftSolicitationsBid evaluation protestsAviation