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[Request for Reconsideration of Dismissal of Protest Against MSC Contract Award]

B-224824.2 Published: Nov 12, 1986. Publicly Released: Nov 12, 1986.
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A firm requested reconsideration of the dismissal of its protest against a Navy contract award, contending that GAO erred by not considering its contention that the Navy had used different evaluation factors when comparing the proposals. The protester alleged in its first protest that the Navy improperly awarded the contract to another firm whose offer was low because it did not intend to comply with all of the specifications. GAO had dismissed the initial protest since it concerned a matter of contract administration. GAO held that the protester failed to show that the original decision contained factual or legal errors. Accordingly, the dismissal was affirmed.

Office of Public Affairs


Bid evaluation protestsBid protest reconsiderationsContract administrationContract award protestsEvaluation criteriaImproper award of contractNaval procurementQuestionable procurement charges