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[Protest of Any VA Contract Award for Waste Removal Services]

B-222473 Published: Apr 22, 1986. Publicly Released: Apr 22, 1986.
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A firm protested any Veterans Administration (VA) contract award for waste removal services. VA rejected the protester's bid as nonresponsive because it did not constitute a definite and unqualified offer to meet the terms of the solicitation. However, the protester contended that, if VA required a bid to constitute such an offer, it should have stated the requirement in the solicitation. GAO has held that a bid that does not represent an unequivocal offer to provide the requested items in conformance with a solicitation's material terms is nonresponsive and must be rejected. Accordingly, the protest was dismissed.

Office of Public Affairs


Bid rejection protestsBid responsivenessContract award protestsService contractsBid evaluation protestsVeteransIntellectual property rightsFederal acquisition regulationsProcurement