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[Protest of FAA Contract Award for Janitorial and Maintenance Services]

B-221012 Published: Mar 18, 1986. Publicly Released: Mar 18, 1986.
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A firm protested a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) contract award under a small business, small purchase set-aside for janitorial services, contending that: (1) the contract should be cancelled because it was denied an opportunity to bid due to the agency's failure to provide it with a copy of the solicitation, even though its performance as the incumbent contractor was satisfactory; and (2) it had requested a copy of the solicitation twice and was told during contract extension discussions that it would be sent a copy. GAO held that: (1) posted a notice of procurement in public places and maintained copies at the facility; (2) did not send some interested parties copies of the solicitation due to an oversight in the preparation of the bidders list; and (3) was satisfied with the protester's performance of the previous contract and did not deliberately attempt to preclude it from competition. Accordingly, the protest was denied.

Full Report

Office of Public Affairs


Contract award protestsCustodial services contractsMaintenance services contractsSmall business set-asidesBid evaluation protestsSmall purchasesProcurementBiddersCompetitive procurementInterested partiesFederal acquisition regulationsSmall businessAviationBid protest regulations