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[Protest of FAA Award of Sole-Source Contract for Maintenance of Computer Facility]

B-220581 Published: Jan 16, 1986. Publicly Released: Jan 16, 1986.
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A firm protested a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) sole-source contract award for the maintenance and operation of a computer facility, contending that: (1) FAA improperly extended a contract when the incumbent contractor was not eligible at the time of the extension; and (2) FAA could not justify the sole-source award on the basis of an urgent and compelling need for the services. GAO noted that: (1) the synopsis of the requirements provided prequalification criteria which prospective offerers had to meet in order to receive a copy of the solicitation; (2) the synopsis also indicated the agency's intention to extend the existing contracts to cover fiscal year (FY) 1986 if it found no firms that satisfied the prequalification requirements; (3) 33 firms responded to the solicitation, but only one offerer qualified under the announced criteria; and (4) the Department of Transportation declined to take further procurement action on the FAA requirement. GAO found that: (1) FAA modified the existing contract to include an extension option to cover FY 1986, but instead awarded a 120-day contract to continue performance until it could select a new contractor; (2) the alleged impropriety of the extension was academic since FAA decided not to exercise the option; (3) a sole-source award is justified where an agency reasonably concludes that only one known source can meet its needs; and (4) none of the firms that responded to the solicitation were considered qualified to take over the performance of the services, and the determination to negotiate a limited, interim contract with the awardee was reasonable. Accordingly, the protest was denied in part and dismissed in part.

Office of Public Affairs


Bidder eligibilityContract award protestsContract extension optionsMaintenance services contractsSole source procurementSmall business development programsProcurementCompetitive procurementProtestsAviationBiddersSubcontractsAgency reportsPrivate sectorIntellectual property rights