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[Protest of Army Issuance of Delivery Order for Automatic Dishwasher]

B-220132 Published: Nov 26, 1985. Publicly Released: Nov 26, 1985.
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A firm protested the Army's issuance of a delivery order for a dishwasher and the rejection of its bid because the models it offered lacked a number of required features. The protester contended that: (1) the models it offered met the request for quotation (RFQ) requirements; (2) the Army erred in the evaluation of its technical data; (3) its models did not need to have the same design characteristics as the brand name item solicited; (4) the awardee's offer should not have been accepted because it did not submit appropriate literature and its model was not compliant with the RFQ specifications; (5) it was not given the same opportunity to explain its technical literature that the awardee received; and (6) the awardee will not supply the type of dishwasher called for by the RFQ. GAO found that: (1) the Army's determination that the products that the protester offered were unacceptable and its evaluation of the technical literature were reasonable; (2) the design characteristics of the brand name product were a solicitation requirement; (3) there was no support to the protester's argument that the awardee's product failed to meet the RFQ specifications or that it failed to submit appropriate literature; (4) the Army was not required to hold discussions with bidders that it found nonresponsive; and (5) the allegation that the awardee's performance may have violated a contract term involved a matter of contract administration and, therefore, was not for GAO consideration. Accordingly, the protest was denied in part and dismissed in part.

Full Report

Office of Public Affairs


Army procurementBid rejection protestsBid responsivenessBrand name specificationsContract award protestsDescriptive literatureEquipment contractsEvaluation protestsPurchase ordersTechnical proposal evaluationU.S. ArmySpecificationsBid evaluation protestsProtests